Join the Your Better Yard campaign created by EPA WaterSense by making your yard better fitted to your lifestyle while enhancing your landscape with water-saving techniques. Whether you are a master gardener or someone who wants a low-maintenance garden, try out some of these tips and ideas for your garden!

  • Plant species that require less water. Most native plants are adapted to the Texas Gulf Coast region’s climate and weather patterns such as droughts and winter freezes. Once they are established, they require little maintenance and can mostly survive with normal rainfall. If you’re not quite ready to transition to different plants, just be sure to consider the watering needs of the plants you have to ensure plant health and water efficiency.
  • Have a sprinkler system? Spruce up your sprinkler system, check for leaks, or have a certified professional complete an irrigation audit. Ensure that sprinkler heads are directed towards the landscape, adjust the routine to fit the type of plants in your garden, and consider converting to a drip irrigation system. If you don’t have a sprinkler system or are interested in replacing the current system you have, consider installing a WaterSense-labeled smart controller that can save more than 7,000 gallons of water per year! Learn more at:
  • Install a rain collection barrel. Not only can rainwater be used for landscaping but also for washing your car or other non-potable uses. Collect rain during the springtime to use during a drought in the summertime to help conserve the water supply during high demands. Some cities or municipalities even offer rain barrel sales for a discounted price, so look to see if yours offers it!
  • Replace the mulch. Use native mulch for a variety of benefits! Mulch helps to reduce evaporation allowing the soil to retain water longer requiring less watering. It can also prevent soil erosion, protect from weed growth, and maintain the soil temperature. Altogether, these benefits will promote plant health and longevity, while saving water.
  • Adopt Water-Smart techniques and habits. Watering in the morning or evening to prevent water loss from evaporation. Use the soak-and-cycle watering method to optimize the amount of water that reaches the root system contributing to plant health. Sign up and use the free WaterMyYard app to help you determine when and how much to water by using evapotranspiration and local weather data for watering recommendations.

Just by making small changes, you will make a huge impact on our water supply.  Be a leader in your community by transforming your garden into a Water-Smart Landscape and share with your neighbors the benefits of it!  Check out more tips and ideas on Water-Smart Landscaping with EPA WaterSense: