
New Years Means New Ways to Save Water
It's 2023, let's make some great plans for the new year! Ring in the new year by taking the "I'm for Water" pledge and dedicate your year to saving water. Our friends at the EPA have made saving water easy by creating a WaterSense resolutions checklist. Learn more at...

Holiday Gathering Water-Saving Tips
With the holidays quickly approaching, we all anticipate gathering with our friends and family. If you plan on hosting during this holiday season, your water usage can increase between toilet usage, cleaning, and even preparing for your guests' arrival. In preparation...

School is in Session: Top Ways for Students to Conserve Water
A student’s understanding of where water comes from and best practices for using it as efficiently as possible can encourage lifelong water conservation behavior. Here are a few ways to get students involved: Take advantage of water conservation school programs and...

When in Drought…
Learn about local resources to utilize during Texas drought conditions.

Stars, Stripes, & Water Savings: Celebrate Smart Irrigation Month
Celebrate America’s birth month by saving a precious resource—water! More than 28 million homes across the United States have in-ground sprinkler systems, and most of those systems schedule watering with some clock-based device. As a result, many homeowners waste...

World Water Day – March 22, 2022
What is World Water Day? In 1993, World Water Day was officially declared by the United Nations to celebrate water and raise awareness of the global water crisis. Each year, on March 22nd, it is recognized worldwide to educate and promote the importance of freshwater....

Preparing Your Irrigation System for Winter
If you haven’t already, make sure your sprinkler system is ready for colder temperatures and turned off for the season.

5 Native Plants for the Houston Region
Fall is the best time to plant Texas native vegetation. Explore our picks and other resources for water-smart gardens.

Water Detectives School Program Wins 2021 EPA WaterSense Excellence Award
The Harris-Galveston Subsidence District was recognized for the Water Detectives program in Harris and Galveston

5 Ways to Help Kids Save Water
Water conservation is a team effort. Involving your kids in saving water around the house allows them to see how easy and fun it is, and helps them develop life-long conservation habits.